Know the types of acne and how to treat it

how to treat various types of acne

Most people must call anything that grows on the face as a pimple. In fact, acne actually has many types and not only grow in the face. In general, acne is caused by clogged pores. Blockage of the pores is usually due to:

  • Excessive oil production (sebum).
  • Bacteria.
  • Hormone.
  • Dead skin cells.
  • Hair grows inward.

Acne is very synonymous with hormonal fluctuations that usually occur in adolescents. However, adults can also experience acne prone skin. Identifying the acne you have is very important to choose the right treatment. Here are the types of acne, as reported from the Health Line.

Noninflammatory Acne

Which include non-inflamed acne is blackhead (blackheads) and whitehead (closed comedo). Both types of blackheads of acne usually do not cause inflammation. Blackheads and whiteheads are also generally easy to treat. Salicyl acid is the most commonly used chemical to cure acne. However, in general these chemicals are the most powerful for treating noninflammatory acne. Salicyl acid naturally exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells that can cause blackheads.

Blackhead (blackheads)

Blackheads are caused by clogged pores by a combination of sebum and dead skin cells. The top of the pore is open even though the other part is blocked. This causes blackheads to look black spots from the outside.

Whitehead (closed comedones)

Whitehead is formed by clogged pores by sebum and dead skin cells. But unlike the blackhead, the top of the clogged pores will be closed. From the outside the whitehead looks like a small bump on the skin. Whitehead is more difficult to treat because the pores are closed. However, products that contain salicyl acid can treat it. Topical retinoids are also potent treat acne blackheads.
Acne Inflammation

Acne that looks red and inflamed is called inflammatory acne. Although it can be caused by sebum and dead skin cells, bacteria can also be the cause of clogged pores. Bacteria can cause deep infections beneath the skin surface. This causes acne to become sore and difficult to cure.

Products containing benzoyl peroxide can help reduce inflammation and eliminate bacteria in the skin. Benzoyl peroxide can also remove excessive sebum. Doctors can provide benzoyl peroxide in the form of oral medication or topical antibiotics to cure inflammatory acne. Topical retinoids can also be used to cure acne of papules and inflammatory pustules.


Acne is called papules if the walls surrounding the pores are damaged by severe inflammation. This causes the clogged pores to harden when touched. The skin around the pores usually looks pink from the outside.


Pustules are also formed when the walls around the pores are damaged. But unlike papules, pustules contain pus. Pustules from the outside look like a lump usually red. Pustules also have a yellow or white top.


Nodules are the name for acne with clogged pores, irritation, and growing larger. Unlike pustules and papules, deeper nodules grow under the skin. Because the nodules are so deep under the skin, you become hard to treat them yourself. It usually takes certain medications from a doctor, either an external drug or an oral medication.


Cysts can grow when the pores are blocked by a combination of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells. The blockage takes place deep into the skin, much deeper than the nodule. Cysts are usually red or white, and painful when pushed. Cysts are also the largest type of acne and are usually caused by severe infections. The cyst can turn into a scar on the skin if it is healed. Cysts can be cured, but in some cases surgical procedures are required.

How severe are the types of acne?

Blackheads and whiteheads are the mildest types of acne. This type of blackheads acne can generally be cured with salicylic acid acid or subzoyl proxide. If not healed too, usually doctors will provide topical retinoids.

Pustules and papules are a more serious type of acne. You can not cure it with ordinary drugs. However, doctors will usually give a special medicine to cure it. Meanwhile, nodules and cysts are the most severe types of acne. You must follow a doctor's procedure to remove it. If left alone, nodules and cysts can damage the smoothness of the skin surface.